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Mastering the Art of Domain Negotiation: How Became the Face of Early Cancer Detection

In this episode of Master of Your Domain, Rob Schutz sat down with Emi Gal, founder of, a company revolutionizing early cancer detection with full-body MRIs powered by AI. Ezra's mission is impressive and, when it comes to domain negotiation, Emi’s ability to secure digital assets is no letdown either. Emi was locked-in a premium, four-letter .com gem for 1/5th of the price that the original domain owner was asking. And now, having that digital asset has been instrumental to the company’s success.

The Journey to

Emi Gal’s journey to securing began long before he even founded the company. After selling his previous business, Brainient, in 2016, Emi was already envisioning his next venture: creating accessible and affordable cancer screening technology using AI. He wanted a name that resonated with his mission and ultimately landed on "Ezra," which means "help" in Hebrew—a fitting choice for a company that helps people detect cancer early.

At the time, was available, and Emi snapped it up as AI-focused domains were not as popular back then. But, the real prize was Owned by a musician named Ezra Hale who used it to host a blog, the domain wasn’t actively for sale, but Emi was determined. After months of emails and negotiations, the owner initially quoted a price of $200,000. Not deterred, Emi countered with $20,000—a far cry from the asking price.

Persistence paid off. After a year and a half of back-and-forth, the two parties agreed on $40,000—a fraction of the original asking price for a domain that now helps solidify Ezra's brand as a trusted healthcare company.

Why the Right Domain Matters

As Emi reflects, securing was crucial not just for name recognition but for building trust. "In healthcare, especially when you're offering something as serious as cancer screening, having a domain that is simple, memorable, and trustworthy is incredibly important," Emi said. provided the legitimacy and simplicity the brand needed to stand out in a competitive field.

Emi shared an anecdote from their early days, when the company was operating under Their sans-serif font made the lowercase "i" look like an "l," and they received an email from a confused customer asking, “Who is Al?” It was a funny but valuable lesson in the importance of clarity in branding. Shortly after, they fully transitioned to using, avoiding any further confusion.

Building Trust Through Simplicity

The importance of a strong, simple domain in healthcare cannot be overstated. Emi pointed out that Ezra’s competitors often have complex, hard-to-pronounce names, which can be a hurdle when building a recognizable brand. "We’re one of the top two companies in our space," Emi explained, "and I believe our easy-to-remember domain name plays a big role in that."

Rob echoed this sentiment, noting that having a concise, memorable domain can make all the difference when it comes to passing the "radio test"—if someone hears your domain in a commercial, can they easily remember and type it in later? In Ezra’s case, the answer is a resounding yes.

Lessons in Domain Negotiation

Emi’s experience negotiating for offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to secure a premium domain. First, patience is key. Emi spent over a year negotiating and was willing to walk away when the price was too high. His leverage? He already had and could continue building the business without the .com, giving him the upper hand when the seller eventually needed cash.

Second, persistence pays off. Emi didn’t let the initial $200,000 price tag scare him off. He continued to check in, negotiate, and eventually got the domain for a price that worked for him.

Lastly, simplicity is everything. As Emi learned from his previous company, which had a more complex name, having a domain that’s easy to spell and remember is invaluable. “Nine out of ten times, people would misspell the name of my previous company,” Emi noted. "Ezra, on the other hand, is simple and recognizable, making it a perfect fit."

The Power of a Premium Domain

For Emi and his team at Ezra, having a strong domain like has done more than just make their website easy to find. It has helped build trust, credibility, and a memorable brand that stands out in a competitive healthcare landscape. "At the end of the day," Emi said, "having has been a huge asset in growing the business."

As Rob pointed out during their conversation, while a great domain name won’t make or break a business, it can provide that extra edge when it comes to legitimacy, trust, and recognition—especially in industries like healthcare, where credibility is everything. is a perfect example of how a well-thought-out domain can enhance a brand, build trust, and ultimately contribute to business success.

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